Earth Day 2022

Fri 26th Apr, 2024

Earth Day 2022


Nothing is more valuable than the environment in which we live, and few industries are more closely linked with the environment than timber. 


Being a major force in the timber related industry, at LPD, we are fully committed to upholding the principles of FSC® and aligning ourselves with manufacturers who source their materials from well managed forests. We are proud to say that an ever- increasing number of our products are FSC® certified, and as we move forward, this will become more prevalent. 


This years Earth Day theme is ‘Invest in our Planet.'


‘It is the most precious thing we have and we need to defend it.” —David Attenborough


Below is LPD’s environmental policy:

• To meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to the Company's activities.
• Wherever and whenever economically practicable, endeavour to use environmentally safe materials.
• Where feasible, strive towards the continual reduction of all waste streams, to air, water and land.
• Wherever commercially viable, recycle and reuse any materials that would otherwise go to landfill.
• To regularly monitor energy usage in order to reduce overall consumption.
• To communicate the policy internally and place it in the public domain.
• To establish and regularly review all environmental objectives in respect of this policy.


We want to ensure we are doing as much as we can to help the ever-changing environment so you may have noticed that a lot of our marketing material now include QR codes which will take you directly to our website. Here you can browse products or view our brochure collection, all online. We also ensure when printing new material, we are using recycled or FSC certified paper. 

We are currently researching and investigating how we can reduce our paper usage at LPD and have some upcoming plans to ensure we are always doing our best to reduce our carbon footprint and going more green! 


“There’s a way to do it better — find it.” – Thomas Edison



All leftover wood from our warehouse is recycled into horse bedding!

Have a happy Earth Day everyone!

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